Who is the DV Collective?

The DV Collective connects corporates to grass root organisations across Australia who are supporting women and children escaping and recovering from domestic violence. The DV Collective comprises of organisations that support women and children escape, and recover from domestic violence through the journey of recovery and financial and emotional independence. Services including, but not limited to, shelters, legal, crisis support, teenage pregnancy, counselling, crisis support, essential items, case management, school essentials, scholarships and education. Our Members are inspiring and we are here to support them by securing the financial support, volunteers and probono products and services they need to continue the amazing work they do, or to scale up so they can assist more women. We onboard three new members a week.

The DV Collective are looking for a number of people who have experience in grant writing. You will support our members through reviewing and providing feedback on their grant applications. Many of these organisations are run by volunteers and are requiring support to increase their chances of securing additional funding so they can assist more women and children escaping and recovery from domestic violence.

You have an opportunity to work directly with our members to improve their chances in securing the much needed funding they need to help more women and children escape domestic violence.

The DV Collective members are Not For Profit Organisations across Australia. These organisations rely heavily on government and grant funding in order to operate and support the women and children escaping domestic violence.

Without funding, services and programs can suffer. It can mean not having resources to help, resulting in turning women in crisis away.

Your Commitment: 8 hours


DV Collective - Video Editing


Top End Women's Legal Service - HR Policy and Compliance Review