Who is the Top End Women’s Legal Service TEWLS?
The Northern Territory is said to be known as the Domestic Violence capital of the country.
Caitlin, the TEWLS CEO, says, “We absolutely feel that in the legal sector - we can only help 3 women at a time and we can have 18 waiting at the door.”
This is Caitlin, (in the pink dress fourth from the right) and her amazing team up in Darwin. They support women escaping domestic violence by providing free legal services; including legal advice, representation and advocacy. They are normally the first contact point through police referrals which means they also need to provide wrap around support services. Supporting all women including Indigenous and migrant women here on visa’s. 70% of their casework is related to domestic, family and sexual violence.
Demand for DV services continues to rise in the NT with more women being referred to TEWLS daily. TEWLS has seen rapid, substantial growth through some funding for new lawyers recently, which is great news on the front line!
Caitlin now needs some real help to pull together her HR policies – not her field of expertise. She’s great to work with, super professional and will be so grateful to have a professional work with her on this project.
To view their website, simply click on the link below.
As they have grown so quickly they require the assistance of a skilled volunteer to identify what policies they should have in place and create those that are missing. Ideally you will have extensive knowledge on business and HR policy, ideally from a NFP perspective or have the resources to rely upon to ensure best practice compliance.
Time Commitment - 1 - 2 days